Monday, October 1, 2012

"Filtering Out What Has Had Nathan Over-Stimulated At School"

     The last several weeks, Nathan has had an extremely difficult time rotating classes for subjects at school in the fourth grade. Everything around him has been over-stimulating for him and keeping him from following his classmates as they rotate from class to class. If he is unable to sit through the classroom instruction in each class, he isn't getting the necessary information to complete the assigned classwork or homework.

     Some of the parents at our last support group meeting shared about how noise reduction headphones had  helped their children. When my husband and I took the boys to Academy yesterday, we picked up a set to see if it would help Nathan. During our 4th grade teacher's team meeting this morning, we were all busy going over the schedule for the week while someone was making copies on a small printer across the room. I noticed the different noises and thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to see how well the noise reduction headsets worked. I was amazed at how they filtered out the background noise and left the voice of my son's teacher audible. Explaining to her how I wanted to help Nathan block out the stimulus that was irritating him, we decided to give Nathan a chance to show us how it works.

     Nathan didn't bring the headset when he rotated to my Science class right before lunch but, he wore them while he worked on Reading, Social Studies and Math after lunch. It was only when he took them off to take a break that he needed to visit Lab for a little while before gathering up his homework at the end of the day. I think that Nathan will be able to transition a little easier from one class to another while wearing his new noise reduction headsets. Only time will tell...

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