Friday, April 3, 2020

Challenging Times Brings Out the True Measure of Dedication

Today, a friend who works at my son's high school contacted me with information that proved very helpful. She went above and beyond the duties of her job description to get my youngest son the letter that he needed to document his reading proficiency and that he was currently enrolled in high school for the 2019-2020 school year. Even though my friend had her daily routine abruptly disrupted and is having to work at home, she still made it a priority to help my son and other students that are trying to maintain as normal of a life as possible and move forward towards a goal they have set for themselves in the near future. This is exactly what we should be life and helping those around us do the same!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to reach out to someone by phone, email, or other way to let them know that you are thinking of them during our current health crisis. It will brighten their day and show that you care.

Talk with you soon!

Your friend,


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