Saturday, September 22, 2012

"When The One Whom You Advocate For Is Your Voice"

Over the last week, my seasonal allergies have caused my voice to disappear. Yesterday was extremely difficult and frustrating for me because I was giving a Science test to four separate classes of fourth graders and all that I could do was whisper! If that wasn't enough, it was my day for cafeteria and recess duty!! I made it through the day and didn't even consider how not having a voice would affect my weekend. Unfortunately, it isn't until you lose something that you realize how important it was to your daily routine.

     Today was a new experience for me...I had almost no voice therefore, Nathan and his older brother, Vincent, were my voice! My husband had to work and I was supposed to take the boys to see "Finding Nemo" at the AMC Theatres for the monthly "Sensory Friendly Film". When we got up this morning, we decided that a Sonic breakfast toaster sandwich sounded good. It wasn't until we were almost there that I realized that I could not speak loud enough to order the food! I had to ask my almost eleven year old son to place the order for me. Talk about humility! And when we driving to the movie theater, I asked Nathan to help me tell the ticket clerk which movie that we needed tickets for and how many. I was so proud of him and his brother for helping me like they did today! I asked them if I were to treat them to lunch at Arby's for roastbeef sandwiches and jamocha shakes, would they be willing to place the order for me...of course, they said "yes"! We had an adventure of a different kind today, with them being my voice.


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