
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

If YOU have #Autism and are Interested in Participating in an Online PhD Project - Flinders University, Australia

It is a pleasure to introduce Rebecca Flowers, a PhD candidate at Flinders University in Australia, who contacted me in an effort to get the word out to those individuals who might be interested in participating in the following project. Please welcome her and share the information with others that you know. Thank you for taking the time to read and participate, if interested! ~Lorrie

Research opportunity - online project 

Researchers at Flinders University in Australia invite individuals aged 18 years or older with an autism spectrum disorder to participate in an online study titled ‘Vulnerability of individuals with autism spectrum disorder to naïve involvement in criminal activity’. This research is being conducted by Rebecca Flower ( under the supervision of Associate Professor Robyn Young ( and Professor Neil Brewer (

The aim of this project is to understand whether features that may be present in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder influence their understanding of social situations and appropriate behaviour.

The project consists of two sessions. Each session is expected to take approximately 1 hour (you may take up to 4 hours to allow for breaks). The second session will occur weeks or possibly months later.

The first session will involve questions about demographic information, including age, gender, diagnosis, and any experiences you have had with the criminal justice system (e.g., ‘Has a police officer ever spoken to you with concern about your behaviour?’). You will then be asked to complete the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), a set of 50 statements about your preferences and skills, where you will be asked how much you agree or disagree with each (e.g., ‘I tend to notice details that others do not’). Following this, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your particular interests (e.g., ‘In the last twelve months, have you had any strong interests?’), and then asked to watch some short scenarios, and answer 1-2 questions about each.

Participants who complete the study requirements will receive a $10 (AUD) Amazon voucher after each session.

To participate, please click the following link:

Your participation is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

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