
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Making the Best of an Unexpected Change in our Normal Routine

I hope that each of you is staying healthy and are enjoying the unexpected time with your families. If you live in a state where a "stay at home" order has been issued after having almost everything around you already shut down, please know that this challenging situation will not last forever. Even though it is inconvenient for most of us, having to "stay at home" might actually be what we need to realize that our chaotic schedules have us so busy that we do not spend enough time relaxing and making memories with our families. As an in-home ABA therapist, I always have a variety of board and card games on hand to utilize in my sessions. So, I will be reallocating these resources to engage my husband and two teenage sons in a few family-friendly games to keep our brains active while we are all enjoying our unexpected stay at home. Of course, there will be instances where each of us will want some solitude to play a particular online game, read a book, or contact a friend to see how they are managing to survive during this challenging situation. 

Be safe and enjoy making new memories with your family!

Your friend, 
