
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Please Join Our #SpecialNeeds Family in Celebrating Our Sons' Most Recent Accomplishments in Academics and Leadership!

Most of my posts usually focus on my youngest son's challenges and hallelujahs because of his Autism. Today, it gives me great pleasure to be able to share something that his older brother has been awarded. As a sixth grader, Vincent has been a member of the Robotics Team and TSA at his middle school this past year. Yesterday morning, he was recognized as an Outstanding Member of the 2013-14 Robotics and TSA Team during his 6th grade Awards Assembly. This is quite an accomplishment which he undoubtedly deserves!

I'm also excited to bring you an update on something Nathan has been working towards for several years. The Music Teacher has initiated a competitive Music program where the student who has accumulated the most points during the academic year for the Highest Grade in Music and Exceptional Behavior is recognized by being awarded the Music Trophy. He almost had it last year. This last Wednesday, Nathan was chosen to receive the highly-coveted Music Trophy out of all of the third, fourth and fifth grade students at his elementary school! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Have YOU Had The Opportunity To Read My Annual #Autism Contribution To The @OurParentingSpot Community?

Do you believe school should be a safe space for children to learn and socialize with their peers? What would you do if you discovered that school is not a safe space for your autistic child? Take time to read my annual contribution to the Our Parenting Spot online community, be sure to read and share "Autism and Bullying" with everyone you know who might benefit from the information. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chosen to Represent Oklahoma in #Education and #Autism Advocacy as a VIP Member of the CWW Executive & Professional Registry

I'm excited to announce, that it's official. I will be featured in the upcoming second edition of CWW's 'Leaders Across America' virtual magazine due out spring/summer 2014. To read more, please read the Press Release that they issued on Friday, May 16, 2014.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

#Autism Moms Need "Me Time" Just Like Everyone Else Does!

I know, it has been quite awhile since I have posted! Between taking care of the family, working full-time and recently returning to college, I have been pushing the term "multi-tasking" to the limits!! I'm in my last week of my first semester back to college in twenty-five years and my last several assignments are due in less than seventy-two hours. Even though I am exhausted, I am excited to report that I am currently carrying an "A" 91.67 in my English Comp II course! 

Today, millions of American mothers celebrated Mother's Day, many of which are mothers, like myself, who have been blessed by children with #Autism. Each of us has a physical, and emotional, limit of what we can handle. Just like anyone else, we need the time to re-energize from the challenges thrown at us, in the course of our daily lives. It is important to have the support of family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers especially when it comes to scheduling the "me time" needed to maintain or, in most cases, to replenish the charge of our personal battery. 

If YOU know a mother, or a caregiver, of a child with #Autism, please offer your support to them. Ask her what you can do to help her. Whether it is by watching the child and making it possible for her to have the opportunity to do something for herself, or by simply connecting her with the resources to assist her in accomplishing something in her daily routine which might not have been possible otherwise, it is an extremely gratifying feeling to be able to "make a difference" in someone's life! Please take a few moments to #share this with someone and raise awareness for #Autism in your local community. You never know when you will come in contact with an individual who needs a "hand up"...and being able to contribute towards their success will be something that they will remember for a long time!